Laurie Stewart, Certified Speaking Professional, has a passion for young people and those who influence them. She founded L.A. Stewart Presentations in 1984, and has dedicated her life to encouraging youth ever since.
As a nationally known public speaker and consultant, she earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association. The C.S.P. is a designation of professional achievement through proven speaking experience. Laurie was named the youngest speaker in 14 countries and in the history of the National Speakers Association to receive this honor.
Several years ago, Laurie was selected as one of just three inductees into Western Michigan University’s Department of Communication Alumni Academy. The purpose of the Academy is to give honor and recognition to WMU’s outstanding graduate and undergraduate alumni.
Laurie authored the book and audio program, The Winning School: The Team Approach to Healthy School Climate and co-authored Teen Power. She lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan, with her husband, Jeff; her golden retriever, Calli; and her beagle, Nellie.
< back to speakersThe Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) accredited by the National Speakers Association is the highest earned designation in the speaking industry. Fewer than ten percent of all NSA members worldwide have earned this title.