“Laurie Stewart put the SWAG back in Central Montcalm. The atmosphere and attitude completely changed after she came in.”
Superintendent Kristi Teall, Central Montcalm Public Schools
Presentations for Schools
Making It Cool To Be Kind!

Attitude Check: Being Real, Being Respectful, Being You!
Every student and every staff member participates in this morning assembly that dramatically inspires students to respect themselves and others. Students describe this event as “amazing!” This powerful convocation covers:
- Treating every person with respect online and in person
- Creating positive peer influence
- Handling anxiety and depression
- Becoming the best version of you!

Making It Cool To Be Kind! #MIC2BK
A comprehensive School/Community Climate Improvement Program
This program is different from any you’ve ever experienced! Unlike one-day programs that create short-term excitement and change, this student-led, strength-based, staff-supported, countywide program takes place over the course of up to 18 months. You’ll watch as your students empower each other to:
- Respect classmates, parents, and teachers online and in person
- Increase learning ability and emotional intelligence
- Reduce conflict
- Eliminate racial tension
- Decrease discipline problems and choose right behavior
- Create sustainable and systemic long-term change

Our MIC2BK Modules
2 Events:
Small Group Facilitation
- Defining the current culture
- Clarifying the current culture
- Preparing for full staff meeting
Full Staff Meeting
- Casting the vision of MIC2BK as a means to achieving the desired culture
- Content will be customized based on data and results produced through prior facilitation

We will train a “climate team,” a small group of your handpicked teen leaders, how to set your entire school on fire for change! They’ll learn to:
- Increase leadership ability and role-model respect
- Do a needs analysis and set goals
- Prepare for your all-school assembly
After school, your climate team advisor and an administrator meet with Laurie Stewart, C.S.P., to prepare for your upcoming assembly.

Every student and every staff member participates in this morning assembly that dramatically inspires students to respect themselves and others. Students describe this event as “amazing!” This powerful convocation covers:
- Treating every person with respect online and in person
- Creating positive peer influence
- Handling anxiety and depression
- Becoming the best version of you!

Invite your parents to this evening session that equips them to participate in the positive school climate changes. They’ll learn specific strategies to develop respectful teens at school and at home. Session includes:
- Casting the overall vision for your school/community climate improvement program
- Understanding different temperaments
- Replacing unconstructive criticism with life-changing encouragement
- Enhancing the family unit
- Content based on your needs
This exciting rally provides student “ownership” of the program. Your students will:
- Cast their MIC2BK vision
- Re-energize the entire student body

Your school and community come together for a powerful follow-up movie.
- You’ll receive suggested movie and event coordination instructions
- May be presented by a school, a church, or other local non-profit organization
Laurie Stewart, C.S.P., and Pam Harger, M.Ed., collaborate on a full day session to answer the question, “What do we do next?” Your climate team will:
- Enjoy fun team building activities
- Brainstorm challenges and solutions
- Create an infrastructure and set achievable goals
- Share their own leadership lessons learned (seniors leave a legacy)
- Prepare for a 20 minute student-led vision assembly
- Learn to keep the fire burning with follow-up climate ideas
- Build connections between student clubs and community-based organizations
Climate team advisor(s) will receive follow up training as well.

Your climate team provides an update for the rest of your student body. They will:
- Highlight the positive effects of MIC2BK so far
- Spread their enthusiasm for what’s coming up next

Your climate team and Laurie work together to put on this powerful, follow-up assembly. Program covers:
- Building self-esteem
- Developing positive body image
- Establishing healthy boundaries
Quick face-to-face meetings with Laurie Stewart, C.S.P., scheduled as needed throughout your program to provide encouragement and guarantee success.
- Follow-up advice to assist in momentum building, sustainability, and project planning / implementation

Climate teams all have different challenges, this full day of training prepares your team to overcome! Students learn to:
- Complete goals set out in prior sessions
- Choose and train new team members influence peers positively and with respect
- Put on their own impacting Kindness Assemblies
- Transition into the next school year ensuring a lasting impression is made on your school and community
A few weeks later, a Climate Team Practice, Critique, and Accountability Session will be scheduled.