Attitude Check: Being Real, Being Respectful, Being You!

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Every student and every staff member participates in this morning assembly that dramatically inspires students to respect themselves and others. Students describe this event as “amazing!” This powerful convocation covers: Treating every person with respect online and in person Creating positive peer influence Handling anxiety and depression Becoming the best version of you!

Our MIC2BK Modules

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CUSTOMIZE A DYNAMIC PROGRAM TO SUIT YOUR SCHOOL’S SPECIFIC NEEDS Staff Development Program 2 Events: Small Group Facilitation Defining the current culture Clarifying the current culture Preparing for full staff meeting Full Staff Meeting Casting the vision of MIC2BK as a means to achieving the desired culture Content will be customized based on data and… Read more »

Making It Cool To Be Kind! #MIC2BK

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A comprehensive School/Community Climate Improvement Program This program is different from any you’ve ever experienced! Unlike one-day programs that create short-term excitement and change, this student-led, strength-based, staff-supported, countywide program takes place over the course of up to 18 months. You’ll watch as your students empower each other to: Respect classmates, parents, and teachers online… Read more »