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Bridget Murphy
Laurie’s program is very successful in it’s mission to impact youth and change lives. On behalf of those youth, I would just like to say thank you for investing so much effort into our generation. When I heard Laurie speak, her unique vigor and obvious passion on the topic really captured my interest – as… Read more »
Brandon Corder
I would like to thank you a million times over for coming to my high school. You had a ginormus (gy-nor-mus) impact on the attitudes of many of my classmates and me…. Although you could use words to change the attitudes of my classmates, I cannot find the right words to express my utmost gratitude… Read more »
Kathy Jue
Thank you for the excellent presentation you gave for our school. The students are still raving about it! They keep commenting on the fact that you kept them pumped, motivated, interested, and energized the whole four hours. Lots of students experienced some life-changing moments and are now more outgoing, more involved, and more people-oriented than… Read more »
Jessica Haist
What makes this presentation stand out is the ability to reach each and every student, regardless of their background, experiences or interests. From the very first moment of Laurie’s presentation at BRHS, the audience was completely captivated. Laurie’s program is clearly more than just words. She truly cares and is committed to helping students respect… Read more »
Randall Thompson
I cannot think of my youth without remembering your influence on my life. Your presentation had a profound impact on my life…. The duration of your talk and the time you spent with us after still stays with me to this day — some 18 years later. There is not a month that goes by… Read more »
Phyllis Enderlin
I think all went marvelously well. The message and the vivaciousness that you have has touched each and every one. I’ve had many comments and phone calls — you were a hit!
Vicki Neuharth
The students felt your program was excellent. Thanks for making the students feel that they are special. Their self-esteem seemed to rise before my eyes!
Daniel Matthews Jr.
I have never witnessed such an event in all my years at Northview Public Schools…. You reached out and touched the hearts and souls of the students and staff. The positive impact…stirred all present to reach out in a caring and connective way to make a difference in themselves and the lives of others. In… Read more »
Shirlee Kyle
Your presentation at the State Leadership Conference was awesome! I especially appreciated your willingness to step out of your box to meet my challenge. Your positive attitude combined with your message and genuine love for students made a lasting impression on your audience… It is very apparent that you truly care about students as you… Read more »
Steve McKinley
I would like to offer you our sincere thanks for the wonderful presentation at the Indiana 4-H Congress! Attitude Check: Being Real, Being Respectful, Being YOU!” was a definite success! The manner in which you included the youth in the presentation throughout the day with your personable, conversational style made them relate exceptionally well to… Read more »
Sharon Pierce
Laurie absolutely motivated and inspired our delegates to do their best and make a difference. Because of her involvement in this training, we received the highest evaluations we have had in the past 5 years!
Kristen Maksimchuk
Laurie has such an amazing message to share with our youth. I am always in awe of her ability to connect with our student body. I have watched Laurie on four separate occasions and every time I am overwhelmed by the impact she makes!
Peggy Frierson
It is still beyond my comprehension how you were able to keep the entire student body’s attention for three and one-half hours while sitting in bleachers. However, this was done by you with absolutely no complaints from anyone. Your sincere concern, unlimited energy, fantastic rapport, and use of experiential stories provided the ultimate key to… Read more »
Multiple Conference Keynotes In One Presenter
Confidence, Leadership, Respect, and School Cohesiveness Contact L.A. Stewart Presentations to organize your entire conference! Laurie Stewart is equipped to handle all your conference keynotes and can customize our programs to meet your organization’s needs, saving you the expense of hiring multiple presenters.
Connect Effect Follow-Up Event

At this community-wide celebration, teens present their completed projects. This provides further networking opportunities. (2 months after conference)
Second Conference Day

After an organizational fair, a student panel, and team-building activities, teens team up with adult leaders to plan community service projects.
First Conference Day

Through fun, intense, and interactive activities, teens learn new ways to build their confidence and leadership skills.
Connect Effect Preparation Event

We invite community-based organizations to come together for event training. (1 to 4 weeks before conference)
How Does It Work?
Enpowering Teens to learn leadership skills The Connect Effect Conference is planned, organized, and carried out by L.A. Stewart and can be implemented countywide, throughout a school district, or even by an individual school.
The Connect Effect Conference
Plugging the Energy of Youth into the Needs of Community This new life-changing conference empowers teens to learn leadership skills, make viable connections with community leaders, and then immediately put these skills and connections to use serving others. Your entire community will be impacted as teens directly partner with community-based organizations to develop and implement… Read more »
Tony Petersen
Laurie sparked a fire in our student body. School pride has soared since the assembly. We are grateful for the work Laurie is doing with our students here at Central Montcalm High School and all across Montcalm County. Note: When Tony Petersen moved to Thornapple Kellogg High School, he brought Laurie there for a complete… Read more »
Ready to watch kindness catch fire in your schools and community?
Making It Cool to Be Kind will empower your staff and every student in your school to play a role in creating a more positive and respectful atmosphere.
Chuck Bell
As always, you were magnificent at the Life Leadership Conference. Your presentation is what ties everything together for us and you never fail to deliver. My sincere thanks for another great job. We can’t do the conference without you!
Jasmine Morgan
I’m currently taking time to reflect on the assembly we had today at our school. I see it as more than just an antibully assembly but as a new perspective on life. We don’t think of the perspectives of others and what they may be going through. Our speaker was amazing and if there is… Read more »
Stephanie Patka
Laurie Stewart had the students laughing, crying, singing, dancing, and just PARTICIPATING! The assembly had a time slot of three hours and many wondered how Laurie Stewart would ever fill it with enough ‘stuff’ to keep it interesting. But, the problem didn’t come in that. In fact, the students, myself included, didn’t really want the… Read more »
Jan Akins
It is hard to imagine that we will ever have another speaker that can have the impact that you have had. We thank you for sharing your life with us. We welcome you back anytime!
Speakers that Captivate
Energetically capturing attention through active audience participation, life-changing stories, music, drama and discussion.
What Can The Connect Effect Conference Do For You?
Develops leadership in a broad range of young people Helps teens to discover their own unique ability and passion to serve Trains young people to confidently influence friends, peers, and communities Cultivates a commitment to community service and leadership Creates sustainable relationships between teens and their communities
Questions about what L.A. Stewart can do for you?
Click here for a free consultation!
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